Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Doberman has some small thin hair spots on his coat after groming him. Is it anything to worry ab

The skin underneath is quite healthy. You can only see them when the light cathces him in a certain way. He was a kennel dog for the last 3 years until we adopted him 4 weeks ago and brought him into our home.

My Doberman has some small thin hair spots on his coat after groming him. Is it anything to worry about?

Ask your vet if he/she thinks you need to have your dog's thyroid level checked. My friend's lab has a MUCH healthier coat since they figured out he was hypothyroid and started giving him the meds.

My Doberman has some small thin hair spots on his coat after groming him. Is it anything to worry about?

time to put it down.

My Doberman has some small thin hair spots on his coat after groming him. Is it anything to worry about?

YES!!i think maybe u should go 2 a vet and let them see it.....not the SPCA....................................... KILLED MY DOG!!!!!

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