Thursday, November 26, 2009

I HaTe my thin and dry hair!!!!!?

i 'm asian and i have thin hair...i think it's due to exposure to sunlight...any ways to increase the volume w/o any hair treatment sessions...maybe food/fruitz which might be of help? thanks

I HaTe my thin and dry hair!!!!!?

I think I have the perfect solution for you!

Mix together one egg, and half a cup of extra virgin olive oil. Massage into your hair. Follow by putting on a plastic cap for about 10 minutes. Then wash it all out with a good shampooing and some conditioner (preferrably something with a volumizer like Pantene Pro-V or something you would prefer). Blow dry it out with a wired brush and some light spritz.

This should make your hair look awesome!

I HaTe my thin and dry hair!!!!!?


I HaTe my thin and dry hair!!!!!?

First off I seen someone answered tail/mane...tail/mane will Dry your hair bad after a short time. Your hair being dry already this is the last thing you want to use... The best product I have found it sunsilk it is kind of new and it works miracles. Get the one for dry limp hair it will cure you hair you will notice a difference the first time and the more you use it the better your hair becomes. I will never used anything else but sunsilk again... I also used there matchin creme. I swaer try it an you will see what I mean, This stuff it the best I have ever found ! You will never have to find anything else again too.

I HaTe my thin and dry hair!!!!!?

You can stop hair loss using many cheap and effective home remedies. Egg white, lemon juice, oil massage are other home remedies at will prevent further problems.

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