Thursday, November 26, 2009

How to thicken / volumize my thin hair?

my hair is pretty thin .. i dye it once or twice a year my hair isnt fried .. what can i do to make it thicker/stronger .. and how to style it and make more volume?

How to thicken / volumize my thin hair?

Shorter layers make for easy volume when blow drying. You dont want a style thats too heavy. Make sure you are using light shampoos and conditionders that dont weigh your hair down either. My mother actually sets her hair in large rollers while puts on her makeup for about 15 20 minutes while she also gets ready, then takes them out and blow drys her hair, it works great. My mothers hair is very fine. She also uses flexible hold hair sprays that are not too heavy.

How to thicken / volumize my thin hair?

moose and/or voumizing hair spray, my hair is the same way

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